Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 2 Halftime Retreat

The 2nd and 3rd year students of our Master's Commission come back a few days early for our halftime retreat. It is a really awesome opportunity to encourage each other, see areas we can improve and just have fun together. Here is a highly coveted glimpse into our halftime retreats:

lots of laughs

motivational discussions

memory making downtime

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rice and Beans

It's that time of year...RESOLUTION TIME. I am making a few resolutions this year, yes I still give it the "American try" as my friend Judy said today. Ironically, Judy was referring to using the bathroom before a movie, which was awesome. You need friends like Judy in your life. People that aren't afraid to just say what's on their mind. As far as resolutions...let me tell you about two resolutions I am making simultaneously.

1. I am resolving to try and capture my entire year in photographs. The goal is take and post 1 picture a day.

I want to learn more about my Canon 60D and really improve my photography skills, and I couldn't think of a better way to achieve that goal.

2. For the month of Janurary, Jay and I are not going spending any money on eating out...and to take it a step further, we are only allowing ourselves to purchase rice, beans and chicken (and beverages) from the grocery store this month. So meet my new friend, RICE COOKER [above]. We will be bonding a lot this month.

Jay and I really want to build our saving account back up to where it was before our awesome Black Friday television deal! So we are doing a rice and bean diet and at the end of each week we are putting all the excess in our accounts directly in savings!

You may be wondering why I am making you endure this glimpse into my private life. The truth is, I know that without accountability, these resolutions are just good ideas. I need these resolutions to be more than just good ideas.

Here's the deal - I'm not very good at asking for help but I need it. I need people to keep me accountable and encourage me through this blog. I also hope that hearing a couple of my resolutions has inspired you to make some goals for yourself this year if you haven't already and share them with people who will keep you to them.

Let's never stop making ourselves better. We can always be a better version of ourselves tomorrow if we give ourselves a fresh start each new day.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

proverbs thirty-one

I have a confession. I am officially addicted to Pinterest thanks to my friend Whitney. Tonight she hosted a really fun Christmas party themed Everything Pinterest. From the food to the drinks and the gifts we gave as "secret santas"...everything was inspired by something we saw on Pinterest. It was super fun! I made petite lasagnas as my food contribution to the party. Here are my lasagnas:

So yummy and super easy to make. Highly recommend it...especially to moms on the go. My husband, who as picky as any toddler, loved them! As for my special gift recipient, Raquel, I made this super easy and cute gift:

All you need is a cute frame, chicken wire, laundry pins and a staple gun.

There is just something about making things with your hands. I wouldn't call myself crafty, but there is just something about making something out of nothing...

I think that is why Proverbs 31 says:

17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

We were made to be thrifty and creative. So often I get caught up in how busy I am...doing something creative seems like a waste of time. I deny a part of the person God created me to be.

It's about the time of year when people start making resolution to be better and do better. I challenge you this year to join me in fighting to find time to let our creative juices flow. Whether you like to write, paint, sew, cook or whatever...fight for time emulate the creativity of the one who created you. You will be surprised at how much more productive you become despite your "wasting time" on crafts. Merry Christmas and Happy Crafting. :)

For more pictures from our Pinterest Christmas, see my flickr stream.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

my best friend

Do you ever feel like your life is moving faster than you are? The last few months have been so crazy, but so great. We just finished our church's Christmas production, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SCROOGE. December is always a intense month. Luckily, Jay and I celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary just last month and were able to just get away for a few days. On the weekend before our anniversary, I surprised Jay with a trip to San Fran. I secretly packed his bag and tricked him into driving to the was perfect and so beautiful.

And exactly what we needed. The weekend of our anniversary, we got to take a train ride with some of our favorite people:

I'm beginning to realize that life never really slows just changes direction. Someday I will be a mom, and my life will be a different busy. Someday I hope to own a photography/graphic design company...that will be a different kind of busy. Needless to say, I am learning to take the small moment and cherish them. :) Carpe Diem.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My new love...

First of all, I have OBVIOUSLY failed at being a faithful blogger. However, I am hoping that with my new love entering my life, all that is going to change!

Ladies and Gents...I have finally purchased a new camera!

My faithful comrade in arms, my Nikon D40x, was taken as a POW (Prisoner of War) in March of 2010 when our apartment was broken into! It was a very sad day. My Nikon was my first love. A gift from my parents after I graduated from three years of training at Master's Commission Atlanta. It was with my Nikon that I first discovered my love for photography. In our time serving together, he thought me the basics of aperture and shutter speed. It was with my Nikon that I first got up the nerve to move into the MANUAL setting of my camera.

(Pause for a moment of silence for my fallen friend)

My loving, wise and gracious husband realized the void left by this tragic loss. On Wednesday he decided it was time that I complete Kubler-Ross' "Five Stages of Grief Model" and accept my friend was gone forever. So on Wednesday March 3o, 2011 I purchased my CANON 60D.

SO! I had to see what my new friend could do at Oxygen that night. (note: blogger uploader doesn't display them in max resolution)

Needless to say...I LOVE MY CAMERA! I still have so much to learn and really need to just spend some time playing with it.

Here are just a few more from the night, and hopefully more to come soon.

And hopefully more fun events soon to come! :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

mind over matter...

So since I want to be a faithful blogger, I figured it was about time for me to focus long enough to put a few sentences together. Let me start off with some highlights from the past week or so...

We kicked off the year with the annual A.C. (accountability cell) Family COSTUME PARTY this past Tuesday evening! It was pretty phenomenal. There were super heroes and zombies. We even had a guest appearance from the cast of Sesame Street, complete with song and dance! The interns hysterical! The manterns dressed as Jeanne (I happily supplied half of them with dresses), while the femterns dresses as Pastor Sam. I have a few pictures from the night on Facebook if you want to get a feel for the night. To give you an idea, here is our staff picture - REVENGE OF THE NERD!

As you can tell, it was a pretty fantastic night!

This year's first years have officially experienced their first split off, and this Sunday they jump into their small groups! Lot's of firsts still's so exciting.

As for me, things are going pretty well. I'm not going to lie, the 2nd year in my job is WAY easier than the first. It is pretty nice not feeling like I am completely clueless all of the time. The best part is I feel like God is really re-teaching me lessons through the students, especially through my 2nd years.

This has been a pretty big week for them...actually, it's been a pretty big month for them. Many of them made HUGE sacrifices to be here this year. They are learning how to be friends with opposite sex without crossing emotional boundaries. They are now forced to be leaders 24-7. Between their apartments, AC Families, small groups and projects they have no choice but be with it from the time they wake up to the time they hit the bed again. They are having to find the balance between being a coach and companion...whether they value being like over being respected. It's a crazy season.

Through the heart to heart conversations, prayers and accountability sheets, I'm reminded of a very valuable lesson...

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition
from mediocre minds.
-Albert Einstein

The funny thing is, I don't think Albert was referring to other people, as much as his own mind - his own insanely brilliant mind! I think that's why the Bible tells us to "...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor 10:5)." I'm pretty sure the God who created us knows how over-critical and conscientious we can fact, I think Paul was writing this to me (not the church of Corinth).

I had a student in my office today who is practically paralyzed by his/her mind. This person literally defeats them self before they even begin. How often does the enemy defeat us in our mind so he doesn't have to fight us in reality?

I am choosing one day at a time to know who I am in Christ. I am choosing to see myself in His eyes...join me?